Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Winter Holidays

Hello Students:

Today you will complete a lesson about Winter Holidays in 
Brain Pop. 

Click on this link to watch the movie. When you have finished watching the film, sign into your Google Classroom and complete the quiz.

Username: tfbrain

Password: tfbrain

Friday, November 16, 2018


Hello Students:

Today you will complete a lesson about Thanksgiving in 
Brain Pop. 

Click on this link to watch the movie. When you have finished watching the  film, sign into your Google Classroom and complete the quiz.

Username: tfbrain

Password: tfbrain

Friday, November 2, 2018

Prodigy Math Game

Hello Students:

Today you are going to sign into Prodigy Math and join our class.  Here are the steps you’ll need to join:

1)         Sign onto your computer.

2)         Click on the Grade 4 hyperlink that will take you to Prodigy Math.

3)        Click on “Log In”.

5)         Click on “Sign In With Google”.

6)         Use your Google username and password to sign in.

7) Click on "update" and enter class code.

8)          Your class code is:


9) Start playing the game.

 10) When you are finished and it's time to go, log out of Google Classroom before you shut down your computer.

Friday, October 26, 2018


Hello Students:

Today you will complete a lesson about Halloween in 
Brain Pop. 

Click on this link to watch the movie and complete the quiz.

Username: tfbrain
Password: tfbrain

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Google Slides

Hello Students:

Today you are going to make a slide for a class slide presentation using the photos we took in iPhoto.  Here are the steps you’ll need to make your slide:

1)         Sign onto your computer.
2)         Click on the Grade 4 hyperlink that will take you to the directions for this assignment.
3)        Sign into Google Classroom in a new tab.

5)         Open a new Slide Presentation.
6)         Name the slide presentation with your name.
7)         Choose a format for your slide.
8)         Import the photo of you.  You can find it in your Google Classroom. Open it and download to your desktop by right clicking your mouse.
9)         Re-size your photo.
10)     In the text box below your photo, write your name and one thing you like to do.
11)     When you are finished, share your slide with me by sending it to:

I will assemble all your slides into one presentation.  In the next class we will view the presentation and reflect on the steps you took to complete the project.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Student Survey

Hello Students:

Today you will sign into Google Classroom and complete a short survey about yourself.

1)      Sign in on the computers.
2)      Sign into Google Classroom
3)      Read the survey posted by the teacher, which asks you to answer a series of questions about yourself.
4)      Answer the questions.

5)      Check spelling and grammar using the rubric posted here.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Google Classroom


Welcome Students!

Today we are going to get you logged in to your Google Classroom.

Your username is:  18 first name  last initial
Your password is: students18

Your class code is:  esk2kud

Sign in to Classroom at
On the homepage, click "Add".        Join class.
Enter the code and click "Join".

Friday, August 24, 2018

Welcome Grade 4!

Topic: Introduction to Technology

My mission is to promote teaching and learning as core human activities dependent on relationship, passion and vision--in service to creativity, personal growth and a sustainable world.

Instructor: Mr. Almaas

Hello Students:

Welcome to our Technology class. You are living during a time when we are experiencing the largest increase in expressive capability in human history. It will be a function of this class to help you become effective communicators in the media of your time.

We will be meeting here and online every week where we will use and study technology.  

Today you will be assigned a seat here in our classroom, we'll go over the rules and then jump right in to our first assignment.

The Rules Of Our Class:

1) Be respectful of yourself and others.
2) Raise your hand to speak during class.
3) Listen quietly while others are speaking.

4) Always do your best!

Procedure for entering the classroom:

a)       Form two lines in the hall outside the classroom
b)      Sit down in your assigned seat.
c)       DO NOT turn on the computers or put on the headphones until asked to do so.
d)      Listen quietly to hear what the days assignment is.

Procedure for leaving the classroom:

a)       Sign out of Google Classroom
b)      Shut down your computer from onscreen menu.
c)       DO NOT turn off the computer using the power button.
d)      DO NOT power off the monitor.
e)       Stand up, push in your chair and go out the back way to line up by the door when asked to do so.


Each week you will be given an assignment to complete in class.  I will keep track of your work in a Google Doc that looks like this:

Technology Rubric

Got it! = The main idea of the assignment is clear and related to the purpose or theme of the project.

Working on it! = The main idea of the assignment is more or less clear and related to the purpose or theme of the project.

Needs Help= Completed week's assignment approaching standard. The completed assignment does not have a clear purpose or central theme. 

Absent = Assignment was not completed.

Final Grade Rubric

All grades of “Got it!” for the projects and weekly assignments, along with good behavior, during a grading period will result in a final grade of:


A mixture of “Got it!” and “Working on it!” for the projects and weekly assignments, along with good behavior, during a grading period will result in a final grade of:


A mixture of “Working on it!” and “Needs help” for the projects and weekly assignments and questionable classroom behavior during a grading period will result in a final grade of:


A collection of “Needs help” for the projects and weekly assignments along with unexcused absences from class and poor classroom behavior during a grading period will result in a final grade of:



Today we have gone over the rules and procedures of our class, you watched a PowerPoint presentation introducing you to myself and our class and you learned how to sign in and access the online activities for this class.

Now you will notice New York State's geographical location in the United States by completing an online activity where it's up to you to point out where the 50 states go on a map of the United States:

Click the hyperlink above and begin.

Good luck!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Hour Of Code

Hello Students:

Today I want you to demo one of these hour of code activities.

Click on the hyperlink and have a go.


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Correcting Words Activity Page


1) Open a new Google Doc

2) Type your name at the top of the page. 

3) Using word processing software, type the paragraph in the handout exactly as you see it including errors.   

4) Raise your hand and show your work to the teacher.

5) Review the paragraph and look for punctuation, capitalization, spelling, number, hyphenation, and symbol mistakes.  How can you tell where some of the mistakes are?

6) Use your word processing program to make corrections. Use keys like Backspace or Delete, the arrows, and Shift to correct the mistakes. Use the Check Your Writing chart below to make sure you didn't miss anything.

7) When you are finished, raise your hand and show your document to your teacher. 

Check your Writing!

Did I proofread my writing for spelling errors?

Does the first letter of each new sentence, as well as each proper noun (the names of people, places and things) begin with a capital letter?

Is “I” always capitalized?

Does every sentence end in a period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!)?

Did I put one space between each word and two spaces after each period and between all sentences?


______Name is typed at top of page 

______Paragraph with mistakes is typed exactly as shown 
             using word processing software 

______Mistakes are corrected using word processing software

Their are) 20 students in my class. yesterday we all
went on a feald trip to a, candy f-actory. I liked 
watching the people make candy apples. the first 
step was washing the apples. After the apples 
Dried, the peopple put wooden sticks in them, The 
next step was Dipping the apples, into different 
flavors of soft candy? After the candy dried, the 
apples were ready to eat. Each one costs 1.50$ in 
the store. We all got candy appleS for free. My 
apple was dipped in peanut butter candy.  

Monday, May 21, 2018

Cool Math Games Review

Cool Math Games Review

Hello Students:

I have noticed that a lot of you like to play Cool Math Games.

To be honest, I can’t see how playing Cool Math Games is educational.

However, I will allow you to try and convince me. 

I would like you to write a review in Google Docs explaining Cool Math Games to me and showing me how it is educational (with detailed examples).

We will start with some research…

Your Assignment:

1)  Sign into Google Classroom and open a new Google Doc.

2) Open a second tab on the browser to look up the Cool Math Games you want to write about.

2) At the top of the Google Doc write a Header with your name, class and date.


Mr. Almaas
Class 307
Monday, May 21, 2018

3) Give your review a title.

“Should Be Allowed to Play Cool Math Games In Class?”

4) Write an introductory paragraph explaining what your essay is going to be about.

5) Give two examples of games you play in Cool Math (one paragraph each).
        a.  In each paragraph, explain why you like to play the game and explain to me the math you learn (IF THERE IS ANY). Is it grade level for you?  Is it challenging?

6) A concluding paragraph restating why you think you should (or shouldn’t) be allowed to play Cool Math Games in class.

Check your Writing!

Did I proofread my writing for spelling errors?

Does the first letter of each new sentence, as well as each proper noun (the names of people, places and things) begin with a capital letter?

Is “I” always capitalized?

Does every sentence end in a period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!)?

Did I put one space between each word and two spaces after each period and between all sentences?

Did I include everything Mr. Almaas asked for in my review?
          1.  Is there an introductory paragraph?
          2. Are there two paragraphs explaining the Cool Math Games you chose to describe?
          3.  Is there a concluding paragraph restating why you should be allowed to play Cool Math Games?

Monday, March 19, 2018

Digital Etiquette

Hello Students:

Today you will complete a lesson about Digital Etiquette in 
Brain Pop. 

Click on this link to watch the movie and complete the quiz.

Username: tfbrain

Password:  tfbrain

Monday, February 5, 2018

Brain Pop Presidents Day

Presidents Day

Hello Students:

Every year on the third Monday in February, we celebrate the holiday Presidents' Day honoring the birthdays of both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln,.  Today we will watch a film and do an activity where we learn about these great men.

Click here (username: tfbrain / password: tfbrain) to watch to a film about George Washington. When you are finished, take the graded online quiz.  

Click here (username: tfbrain / password: tfbrain) to watch to a film about Abraham Lincoln.  When you are finished, take the graded online quiz.  

When you are finished, raise your hand, I will come over and check your score and show you what to do next.