Monday, May 21, 2018

Cool Math Games Review

Cool Math Games Review

Hello Students:

I have noticed that a lot of you like to play Cool Math Games.

To be honest, I can’t see how playing Cool Math Games is educational.

However, I will allow you to try and convince me. 

I would like you to write a review in Google Docs explaining Cool Math Games to me and showing me how it is educational (with detailed examples).

We will start with some research…

Your Assignment:

1)  Sign into Google Classroom and open a new Google Doc.

2) Open a second tab on the browser to look up the Cool Math Games you want to write about.

2) At the top of the Google Doc write a Header with your name, class and date.


Mr. Almaas
Class 307
Monday, May 21, 2018

3) Give your review a title.

“Should Be Allowed to Play Cool Math Games In Class?”

4) Write an introductory paragraph explaining what your essay is going to be about.

5) Give two examples of games you play in Cool Math (one paragraph each).
        a.  In each paragraph, explain why you like to play the game and explain to me the math you learn (IF THERE IS ANY). Is it grade level for you?  Is it challenging?

6) A concluding paragraph restating why you think you should (or shouldn’t) be allowed to play Cool Math Games in class.

Check your Writing!

Did I proofread my writing for spelling errors?

Does the first letter of each new sentence, as well as each proper noun (the names of people, places and things) begin with a capital letter?

Is “I” always capitalized?

Does every sentence end in a period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!)?

Did I put one space between each word and two spaces after each period and between all sentences?

Did I include everything Mr. Almaas asked for in my review?
          1.  Is there an introductory paragraph?
          2. Are there two paragraphs explaining the Cool Math Games you chose to describe?
          3.  Is there a concluding paragraph restating why you should be allowed to play Cool Math Games?

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